PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Poster Session J - Pathological and Oncological Sciences 1.

Lewis Lung Carcinoma Metastasis Features in Animals with Different Hypoxia Tolerance

Text of the abstract

Introduction. Hypoxia strongly affects tumor progression. Organisms vary depending on their resistance to hypoxia. It was demonstrated that cancer progression differs in tolerant (T) and susceptible (S) to hypoxia animals, but there is no data concerning its effect on metastasis.
Aims. The aim of the present study was to characterize the metastasis features of Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) in tolerant and susceptible to hypoxia animals.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted on male C57BL/6 mice divided into T (n=24) and S (n=26) groups depending on their hypoxia tolerance. Mice were inoculated with 5*106 LLC cells subcutaneously into the right axilla. Mice were sacrificed on the day 21 (n=12 in each group) and 29 after tumor inoculation (n=14 in T, n=12 in S group). A morphometric study of metastases in the lungs, an assessment of the size of the primary tumor and a blood flow cytometry analysis were performed. Statistical data processing was performed with the GraphPad Prism 9.
Results. Death rates of T and S mice were 13,4% and 11,2%, respectively. Tumors did not develop in 4 T and 2 S mice. A significant increase in tumors volume and weight was observed on day 29 compared to day 21 in T and S mice with no differences between groups. On day 21st lung metastases were observed in 4 T and 4 S mice, on day 29th – in 9 T and 7 S mice, with no differences in metastases area in lungs between two groups. Thymus accidental involution and spleen white pulp reduction in experimental T and S mice were detected. On day 29th a significant increase in WBC, in absolute monocyte and granulocyte numbers was found in both experimental groups in comparison to controls. In both groups a significant decrease in erythrocytes and hemoglobin was observed. There were no differences in numbers of CD3+CD8+, CD3+CD4+, CD314+, CD3-CD19+, CD11b+ cells between T and S animals.
Conclusion. No statistically significant differences were found in Lewis lung carcinoma metastasis development between T and S animals. Further studies, including analysis of the expression of genes regulating the hypoxia response, are required to assess differences between the two groups.
Funding provided by the state assignment No. 122030200530-6 “Cellular and molecular biological mechanisms of inflammation in the development of socially significant human diseases”.