PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Technologies II.

Pharmaceutical Life Science Innovation Ecosystem Design in the post-COVID era – A Comparative Analysis Across Regions

Text of the abstract

Ecosystem approaches are increasingly used to design pharmaceutical life science innovation sectors. Tensions exist between science, technology and innovation (STI), industrial and health policy objectives. The concept of holism from biology applies well to the life sciences ecosystem: hepatitis C management was transformed by a new technology but impacted health systems financing.

• Provide a comparative methodology to guide decision-making via a case study approach and from a historical perspective, assessing pharmaceutical life science innovation ecosystem development identifying key drivers & decision points.
• develop archetype models for pharmaceutical innovation ecosystems including recent developments in geopolitics, resulting in an adaptable decision framework
• Model alignment of public health objectives with industrial, science, technology & innovation (STI) objectives

• Cross-sectoral literature review
• Comparative assessment & benchmarking of selected countries (USA, S. Korea, Singapore, Israel, Ireland, Switz., UK, Hungary, Norway)
• Questionnaire-based validation of projected roles & responsibilities of stakeholders
• Case study /decision analysis
• Resource-based strategy can contribute to definition core national capabilities and formulation of achievable goals
• Correct development time frame and sequential development steps are proven success factors
• Aligning stakeholders roles and incentives with implementation of correct governance mechanisms and platforms are proven success factors
• The commercial environment can be aligned with public health priorities.
• Governments seeking to develop innovation life science sectors face a high risk of failure
• Chances of success can be amplified by aligning key stakeholders, following a resource-based strategy approach aligned with ‘smart specialization’ decisions and ‘bets’ on specific areas of the value chain, emerging technologies and therapeutic areas
• Aligning commercial environment and public health priorities is possible.

• No funding yet provided.