PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024

Health Sciences I.

Innovations in Stroke Rehabilitation: Advanced Technology-Based Programs for Re-Learning to Walk

Text of the abstract

The primary goal of post-stroke rehabilitation is to assist patients in regaining as much functional independence as possible. Traditional methods include physical, occupational, or speech therapy. Integrating advanced technology into rehabilitation has revolutionized the possibilities for stroke patients. These innovative devices and virtual platforms offer targeted interventions for specific impairments. Advanced technologies like virtual reality, robotic-assisted devices, and biofeedback systems enable repetitive and task-specific training and promote neuroplasticity and motor relearning. They create an interactive environment for therapeutic exercises, enhancing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process.
While existing studies have shown promising findings, they have been limited by small sample sizes and varying methodologies. This highlights the pressing requirement for further research on the effectiveness of technology-based therapy in post-stroke rehabilitation.
The study will use a parallel group randomized trial design to compare two types of advanced technology-based therapy. We aim to enrol 80 participants. Our study will focus on improving the participants' functional independence, motor recovery, and balance. We use two types of assessment: traditional methods and a combined motion analysis system. We assess patients after each selection and after every 20th therapy. In conventional therapy, we assess FIM, Bartel, a 6-minute and 10-meter walk test, the Berg Balance Test, the Timed up-and-go test, and the Fugle-Meyer assessment for the lower limb. The motion analysis system detects plantar pressure using a treadmill, and the isometric muscle force measurement system assesses muscle strength.
Our study, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of advanced technology-based therapy in post-stroke rehabilitation, can potentially impact clinical practice. The expected results may lead to improved outcomes and quality of life for individuals undergoing stroke rehabilitation, making this research highly relevant and impactful.