PhD Scientific Days 2024

Budapest, 9-10 July 2024


Abbood, Sarah
Phenylephrine Produces Alpha 2-mediated Antiallodynic Effect in Rats with Neuropathic Pain

Abboud, Houssam
Development of Levofloxacin-loaded Electrospun Nanofibrous Ocular Insert for the Treatment of Antibacterial Conjunctivitis

Ádám, Bertalan
Developing an application for calculating the MERIS score from real-world data

Adamecz, Zsuzsanna
Characterization of human red blood cell-derived extracellular vesicles (RBC-EVs)

Adistie, Fanny
“Breaking bad news is more difficult…”: Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on challenges in providing end-of-life care in paediatric intensive care units in Indonesia

Inflammaging: Impact of Inflammation on Cardiopulmonary Decline in Old Mice

Aljomaa, Seba
The Effect of Exergames on the Fatigue of Individuals Facing Cancer

Alkamsheh, Manar
The intention of exclusively Breastfeeding among Syrian And Hungarian Female Students

Aloss, Kenan
Modulated Electro-hyperthermia Accelerates Tumour Delivery of Doxorubicin from Lyso-thermosensitive Liposome and Improves its Anticancer Activity in 4T1-Bearing Mice

Altenni, Mohammed
Identifying patients who benefit from enfortumab vedotin in advanced urothelial carcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Angyal, Mária Mercédesz
Health State Utilities and Willingness to Pay in Patients with Coeliac Disease

Angyal, Viola
ScreenGPT – Evaluating Different Customization Techniques for Language Models in Helathcare Applications

Antics, Dorottya
Investigating the Effects of Positive Pressure and Body Posture on the Respiratory Mechanics in Obese Children

Arnóth, Bence
Comparative analysis of therapeutic strategies in patients with left atrial appendage thrombus despite optimal NOAC therapy

Artner, Anna
Systematic Review on Adjusting Statin Dosage for the Elderly

Árva, Dorottya
Implementation of addiction prevention in Hungarian elementary schools

Babay, Imre
Angiotensin II-Driven Systemic Inflammation Enhances C3a-Induced Vasoconstriction in Murine Models

Babity, Mate
Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Maximum Exercise and Recovery among Youth National Water Polo Players

Bacskai, Katalin
Survey of athletes' long-term satisfaction with online physiotherapy

Baglyas, Márton
Bioassay-guided Isolation of Antibacterial Clerodane Diterpenes from the Roots of Giant Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea Ait.)

Bakacsi, Anna Virág
Complex synaptic mechanisms between superior colliculus and thalamus during multisensory processes

Baksa, Dániel
Opposite effects of CGRP-related genes on migraine and depression

Balbisi, Mirjam
Proteomic, N-glycomic and Glycosaminoglycan Analysis of A549 and BEAS-2B Cell Line-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles

Balla, Abigél
Detection of homologous recombination deficiency using cell-free DNA whole-genome sequencing profile in ovarian cancer

Balla, Dorottya
The relationship between cardiopulmonary exercise-derived physical fitness and tissue characterization through T1-mapping: an additional aspect of the athlete’s heart

Balla, Helga
The Role of the Rho-ROCK Pathway in the Regulation of Detrusor Muscle Contraction

Balog, Beáta
Studying Peroxidasin Function in Adipose Tissue Homeostasis

Balogh, Lili
A C-type lectin receptor is indispensable for experimental bullosus skin disease

Balogh, Olivér
Using Contrastive Learning to Create Vector Representations of Adverse Events from Spontaneous Reports, Facilitating Machine-Assisted Pharmacovigilance

Bányai, Bálint
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on the vascular adaptation of the carotid artery in a hyperandrogenic female rat model

Bányai, Borbála
‘Behind the Curtains of Hoarding Behavior’: Preliminary Insights from a Hungarian Community Sample

Bardóczi, Anna
Investigating the effectiveness of GLP-1 analogs in obstructive sleep apnea patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Bardos, David
Cross sectional single center study to assess technical quality and short term outcomes of cholecystectomy

Bárdos, Vivien
Studying the effects of commonly used pharmaceutical excipients on permeability and solubility

Barta, Bálint András
Differential Proteomic Remodeling of Right and Left Ventricles in Response to Transverse Aortic Constriction in Rats

Bartos, Marton
Spine Surgeons' Attitudes Towards 3D Printed Anatomical Models: A Survey Study

Bató, Alex
Mental and Physical Health Composite Summary Scores for the Hungarian SF-36 Generic Health Status Measure

Bay, Betul
Home Based Online Pain Management Support System for Children with Cancer

Bedics, Gábor
Comprehensive genomic profiling of pediatric papillary thyroid carcinomas reveals potential novel therapeutic approaches

Bekő, Anna
Digital Cytogenomics Improves Clinical Diagnostics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Benczik, Bettina
Bioinformatics Analysis of the MiRNA Expression Profiles of Hypertrophy and Heart Failure

Benkó, Beáta Mária
Advancing Lyme Disease Treatment through the Repositioned Disulfiram Drug Delivery System

Bérczes, Dóra Ildikó
Eculizumab abolishes skin separation by inhibiting cell migration in a human ex vivo model of bullous pemphigoid.

Berente, Dalida Borbála
Fine Movement Analysis for the Early Recognition of Cognitive Decline

Berta, Katalin
Exploring trends in interneuronal diversity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and caudate nucleus in primates

Bhattarai, Dharmagat
Guest Speaker

Bik-Multanowska, Kinga
Mental Distress of Parents with Chronic Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia

Biresaw, Mengesha
Changes in public attitude towards epilepsy in Hungary since 1994. A multi-criteria weighting analysis

Biró, Adrienn
Detection of Helicobacter pylori and its clarithromycin resistance from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded gastric biopsy samples by quantitative real-time PCR.

Bocskai, Gábor
Sleep Spindle Clustering Revealing Age-Related Differences in Cortical Plasticity in Adolescents: An EEG Study Complemented by Procedural Training

Bod, Réka
Bridging in vivo and in vitro recordings in the human epileptic neocortex: patient-wise comparative analysis of single-unit activities

Bodnár, Bernadett Réka
Isolation and Characterisation of Extracellular Vesicles from Lymph Nodes

Bogner, Luca Laura
Severe cerebral oxygenation changes in neonates undergoing anaesthesia

Bokhari, Syeda Mahak Zahra
Hypoxic and Angiogenic Response to Repeated Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia in Murine Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Bokrossy, Péter
The Effect of Extracellular Vesicles Originated from Mesenchymal Cells of Peritoneal Dialysate on the Mechanism of Fibrosis

Boostani, Mehdi
Emerging Imaging Modalities for Basal Cell Carcinoma Margin Assessment: A Systematic Scoping Review

Borbola, Daniel
Complete-Arch Accuracy of Seven Intraoral Scanners Measured by the Virtual-Fit Method

Borsodi, Kinga
Bradykinin-induced detrusor muscle contraction involves both Gαq/11- and Gα12/13-coupled signaling

Bottlik, Olívia
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Surgically Reconstructed Paediatric Coarctation with the Help of 3D-printing

Bouaud, Martin
Biomarkers Identification Through a Plasmatic Secretome Analysis From an Equine Spontaneous Model of Sepsis

Boussoussou, Melinda
Photon-Counting CT for the detection of obstructive coronary artery disease: a diagnostic accuracy analysis

Brys, Zoltán
Intra-couple health concordances in Hungarian cohabiting couples

Budavári, Bálint
Development of liposomal corticosteroids

Buday, Zsolt
Mapping the Excitatory and Inhibitory Input Structure of the Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus

Bukovszky, Botond
Malignant transformation and long-term outcome of oral and laryngeal leukoplakia

Búr, Zsófia
Time-Restricted Feeding Prevents Adverse Effects of High-Fat Diet in Contact Hypersensitivity Model

Cao Cancelas, Alejandro
Advancements in Water Contaminant Detection: Enhancing Food Safety for Animals and Humans

Carmi, Idan
The role of serotonin in the intratumoral cellular heterogeneity of colorectal cancer

Chrysanthou, Christodoulos
Fabrication of Polysuccinimide-Lidocaine meshes for enhanced postoperative pain relief

Csáki, Réka
Investigation of Kv1.5 Ion Channel Mutants in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Csikós, Klaudia
Are cortical columns ubiquitous? High-resolution identification of functional domains in cat visual cortex using 3D functional ultrasound imaging

Csizmadia, Beáta
Enhancing Mobility in Aging: Investigating the Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle-Tendon Function and Walking Economy- A Proposal

Csordás, Ilona Barbara
Identifying Extracellular vesicle-miRNAs with a possible role in ionizing radiation induced leukaemogenesis, and their EV packaging mechanisms in the bone marrow

Czigléczki, Janka
Structural simulation study of the CRM1-RanGTP interactions

Czoch, Ákos
Fractal Connectivity Dynamics: Correlates of Decreased Cognitive Performance in Healthy Aging

Dallos, Rita
Examination of the burden of family members caring for a demented patient - the relationship between information and workload for family members

Damouni, Amir
Differential Activation of SHIP2 by EGF and Insulin Signaling Pathways

Dauphin, Thibaud
Scalibity of spheroid-derived extracellular vesicles production in stirred system

Demeter, Adrienn Katalin
Applicability of plant-based drinks as a carrier system

Demeter, Flóra
Cytokine Patterns of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) and COVID-19

Dessidianti, Rachma
Identification of Glycosaminoglycan-Linker Glycopeptides in Proteoglycan Decorin Using HPLC-MS

Di Giovanni, Márk
Introducing a New Score to Quantify the Distribution of Coronary Artery Calcification Based on Coronary CT Angiography

Dobó, Máté
Chemo-and eanatioselective reversed-phase HPLC analysis of dexketoprofen. Fine-tuning enantioselectivity through hysteretic behavior and temperature-dependent enantiomer elution order on polysaccharide chiral stationary phases

Domjan, Peter
Graph Theoretical Approach to Analyzing the Communication Networks of Health Development Offices: Influencing Positive Health Behaviors in the Elderly Hungarian Population

Dóra, Fanni
Genomic insights into the effects of social isolation on the medial prefrontal cortex in male rats

Drobni D., Zsófia
Cardiovascular Risks of PD1 Inhibitor Therapy in Cancer: Impact of Prior Ischemic Events on Heart Failure - A Retrospective Cohort Study

Eduardo, Iniesta-López
Ionic liquids as a new molecular carriers for anticancer drugs

Eörsi, Dániel
How to Establish a Control Group when Measuring the Effect of Health Education Interventions Among Adolescents

Erdelyi-Hamza, Berta
Do different genetic effects shape distinct subtypes of depression? –results from a GWAS study

Erdős, Sándor
Virtual Reality Based Preparation for MRI Examinations in Children.

Esnard, Marie
Development of an AAV bioproduction technological platform in microalgae

Fábián, Alexandra
Pressure-strain-volume loop-derived myocardial work for the noninvasive assessment of increased right ventricular contractility in elite athletes

Facskó, Réka
Characterizing Antibody Avidity Against Polyethylene Glycol Using the Traditional ELISA Method

Farkas, Emese
Placenta-specific galectin-14 is a potential biomarker for miscarriages

Farkas, Henriette
Plenary Lecture 1

Farkas-Sütő, Kristóf Attila
ECG features of left ventricular noncompaction with preserved function in the light of cardiac MR and genetics

Fazekas, Szuzina
Quest for a Clinically Relevant Medical Image Segmentation Metric: the Definition and Implementation of Medical Similarity Index.

Fazekas, Tamás
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Population-based Prostate Cancer Screening: A Meta-analysis

Fehervary, Istvan Andras
Pharmaceutical Life Science Innovation Ecosystem Design in the post-COVID era – A Comparative Analysis Across Regions

Fekete, Monika
COPD care in focus: harnessing the healing potential of nutrition and supplements

Fésü, Dorottya
Better post-acute sequelae COVID19 observed in hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with remdesivir

Fizesán, Hilda
Historical Overview of Mobbing in the Healthcare Sector: Hungarian and International Perspective

Földi, Péter
Noxious Stimulus-Responsive Neurons In The Ventral PAG and Dorsal Raphe Nucleus

Fontanini, Walter
The Sociological and Ethical Implications of the Development of the Neurosciences

Fontos, Marcell
Coronary Artery Dimensions on Computed Tomography Following the Neonatal Arterial Switch Operation for the Complete Transposition of the Great Arteries

Forgács, Martina
Bone Marrow-Derived Extracellular Vesicles from Irradiated Mice Are Able To Induce Senescence in Distinct Subpopulations of the Stem Cell Compartment and the Hematopoietic Microenvironment

Forgács-Kristóf, Katalin
Understanding Adolescents’ Motivation for Physical Activity in Chronic Pain: Key Themes and Insights

Fülöp, Andrea
The role of X-ray-based radiomics in diagnosing post-COVID patients

Füzes, Attila
Novel opportunity for intraoral reconstruction

Füzesi, Brigitta
Factors influencing health awareness among Hungarian diabetic patients

Gagyi, Endre-Botond
Identifying Predictors for the Evolution of Acute Pancreatitis into Recurrent and Chronic Forms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Galambos, Anna
Glycine Transporter 1 Inhibitors Delay Morphine Analgesic Tolerance In Rats

Gani, Illin
Health outcomes of knife crime victims in the UK: Meta-analysis and systematic review

Garai, Réka
Viral infection associated pediatric gastrointestinal disturbances in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Garmaa, Gantsetseg
MIR-199 Has A Pro-Fibrotic Effect And Is Regulated By PPAR-γ Agonist In Renal Fibrosis

Gecse, Kinga
Association between kynurenine genetic pathway and migraine related hypersensitive brain networks

Giunashvili, Nino
Enhancing therapeutic efficacy in triple‐negative breast cancer and melanoma: synergistic effects of modulated electrohyperthermia (mEHT) with NSAIDs especially COX‐2 inhibition in in vivo models

Góg, István
Reliability of color-coded DVA parameters in peripheral interventions

Gomaa, Nariman
Tolperisone-Pregabalin Combination: a Promising Therapy for Neuropathic Pain in Rats

Gönczi, Lóránt
Burden of perianal disease in Crohn’s disease: accelerating medical therapy and high rates of perianal surgery over the last four decades – results from a population-based study over 4 decades

Graziano, Francesca
Interpretation of athlete's ECG in a pediatric population using the International Criteria

Grebur, Kinga
The effect of excessive trabeculation on cardiac rotation – a multimodal imaging study

Gyorik, Dorka
Investigating the genetic background of affective temperaments and its association with depression and suicide: a pilot study

Haghighi, Arezoo
Altered Expression of Toll-like Receptor 1 and -2 is Associated with Intestinal Dysbiosis in NSAID-Induced Enteropathy.

Haghighi, Samaneh
Unraveling the Impact of NSAIDs on Kidney Function: Autophagy, Fibrosis, and Dose-Dependent Morphological Insights

Hajdú, Bence
In silico investigation of the dual role of autophagy

Hajdu, Tamara
Selective Induction of Krebs Cycle Enzyme Subunits in the Parahippocampal Cortex of Suicide Victims

Hajnal, Benjamin
Semi-Automatic Method for the Design of 3D Printed Pedicle Screw Guides

Halmóczki, Sarolta
Development of Electrospun Polymer Matrices Containing Metal Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Wound Dressings

Hangya, Balázs
Plenary Lecture 4

Harkai, Ákos
Glucan binding protein C specific DNA Aptamer shows inhibitory potential

Heydari, Fatemeh
Development and testing of polymer-encapsulated, amine- functionalized iron-based contrast materials in animal model

Horti-Oravecz, Klaudia
Whole genome sequencing completes the molecular genetic testing workflow of patients with Lynch syndrome

Horváth, Csenge
Does the largest increase in REM/NREM ratio indicate circadian phase?

Horváth, Hanga Réka
Mast Cell Mediators in Hereditary Angioedema

Horváth, Lilla
Blood-Based Subtype-Specific Diagnostic and Predictive Biomarkers in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Jakab, Márk
Characterization of a Mouse Model of Clozapine-Induced Myocarditis

János Domonkos, Stubnya
Viscoelastometry guided thrombolysis therapy for pulmonary embolism - new protocol: a single-center randomised controlled trial

Janovicz, Anna
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Evokes Vasorelaxation in Isolated Human Coronary Arteries

Jex, Emiliána
Respiratory Burst and In Vitro Migration of Neutrophil-like Cells Differentiated from CRISPR/Cas9 Modified Conditionally Immortalized Myeloid Progenitors

Johanna, Takács
Relationship between Smartphone Use, Mental Health, and Personality among Young Adults

Juan Francisco, Rodriguez Vidal
The Innate Immunity-Gut-Microbiota Axis as a Key Target for Aging in Zebrafish.

Kalla, Éva
Mentalization and emotion regulation. Factor structure and psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Mentalized Affectivity Scale (MAS): a cross-sectional study.

Kálmán, Eszter Éva
Investigation of the interactions of the GADD34 (growth arrest and DNA damage [GADD]‐inducible34) protein

Kammerhofer, Gábor
Association between Hyperglycemia and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)

Káposztás, Eszter
The effect of selective Syk inhibition on autoantibody-induced experimental arthritis

Karancsi, Zsófia
Digital Image Analysis for Evaluating Stromal Marker Expression in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Kaszás, Diána
Deciphering tissue damage induced purinergic and calcium signaling pathways in zebrafish

Katona, István
Silver Jubilee of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research by Semmelweis PhD Students

Kelemen, Hanga
Perinatal brain injury leads to sexually dimorphic long-term behavioural deficits in mice

Kelly, Caroline
Prevalence of Periopathogenic Porphyromonas Gingivalis Bacterium in Cardiovascular Samples with Different Oral Status: a Meta-Analysis

Kemecsei, Eva
Characterization of the Role of Lymphatics in Autoimmune Arthritis

Kerestély, Márk
The Use of Compartmentalization Databases in the Logical Modelling of the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition

Kestecher, Brachyahu Meir
Reduced Circulating CD63+ Extracellular Vesicles Levels Associate with Atherogenic Pathways in Hypercholesterolaemic Mice and Humans

Khamari, Delaram
Ginger extracellular vesicles caracterisation

Kis, Noémi
Cholinergic Regulation of Dendritic Ca2+ Spikes Controls Firing Mode of Hippocampal CA3 Pyramidal Neurons

Kiss, Norbert
Optically Guided High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging for Discrimination of Aggressive Basal Cell Carcinoma Subtypes: A Prospective Study

Kocsis, Márton
Thymic Modulation of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Cardiotoxicity: New Perspectives In Immunotherapy

Kocsmár, Éva
Different Infiltration Patterns on the Invasion Front Can Predict the Presence of Lymph Node Metastasis in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma

Kokas, Márton
Significant mitochondrial malfuntions in KGDH double-heterozygous KO mice are associated with minor behavioural and metabolic abnormalities but decreased tolerance to forced movement

Kolonics, Mária Veronika
Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriatic Patients

Koncz, Petra
The effect of neutrophil-specific deletion of PLCγ2 in experimental autoimmune skin blistering

Kónya, Marton
Genome-Wide, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for Rare Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Accuracy

Koszovácz, Vanda
Validation of the Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination in a Hungarian sample - Partial Results

Kovács, Kinga Bernadett
The Effects of 25-hydroxycholesterol on Signaling Events in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

Kovács, Szabina
Exercise promotes functional liver regeneration through the AMPK pathway following partial hepatectomy in rats

Kovács, Szonja Anna
Tissue and Blood Biomarkers of Immunotherapy Resistance in Melanoma

Kovács, Tamás
Melanoma Subtype-dependent Cardiotoxicity to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy

Kovács, Zsanett
The cognitive processing of social functioning dependent on mental problems in a linguistic approach

Krause, Sándor
Trait Neuroticism Mitigates Genetic Susceptibility to Depression in Chronic Pain Patients: Results from GWAS and PRS Analyses

Krencz, Ildikó
mTOR pathway hyperactivation in POU2F3-positive primary and brain metastatic small cell lung carcinoma

Kresznerits, Szilvia
From Self-Harm to Self-Calm: A Pilot Investigation of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Group in a Clinical Sample of Borderline Personality Disorder Patients Engaged in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Kriel, Christopher
Impact of Sedation on Circadian Rhythms in Mechanically Ventilated Children

Kubik, András
Comparative Analysis of Radical Surgical and Bladder-preserving Therapy for Limited Stage Small Cell Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kulin, Anna
Analysis of the potential role of the GLUT1 transporter in type 2 diabetes

Ladányi, Zsuzsanna
Myocardial Work and Calcium Sensitivity: Hand-in-Hand Markers of Contractility in Aortic Valve Stenosis - A Translational Study

Lakatos, Alexandra
Regulation of cellular ROS levels in cutaneous melanoma by MITF

Lakatos, Lili
Revealing Griffiths' Addiction Components in Rhinitis Medicamentosa: A Qualitative Study

Lakatos, Péter
The Development of a Dual Cyclodextrin Capillary Electrophoresis System for the Separation of Tolperisone and its Degradation Products

Lamminpää, Ingrid
Expanding the Immune System's Functionality: the Role of Microbiota

Láng, Tamás
A thalamo-preoptic pathway inhibits aggression in rats

Lanyi, Orsolya
Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Network Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies

László, Tamás
Resistance mechanisms and clonal kinetics in mantle cell lymphoma treated with sequential BTKi and venetoclax therapy

Légrádi, Regina
Identification of incompletely penetrant COL4A3 variants in Alport syndrome

Lénárt, Ádám
The Mechanosensory Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Exerts Its Effects Through Prostanoids in the Urinary Bladder

Lengyel, Anna
Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Karitane Parenting Confidence Scale’s Modified Version in Hungary

Lengyel, Lívía
Evaluation of National Knee Arthroplasty Annual Reports

Lenzinger, Dorina
Release of Secreted Amphiectosome-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles by a “Torn Bag Mechanism”

Lesinszki, Lukács
The Role of The Myeloid Src-family Kinases in Crescentic Glomerulonephritis

Lévay, Klára
Colon anastomosis healing could be effectively ameliorated by nutritional and physical prehabilitation

Lincmajer, Zoltan
Optimization of a synaptosome model to study the effects of inhibition of angiotensin receptor 1 and  2 on synaptic glutamate release

Lipp, Mónika Bernadett
Time course development of diabetes mellitus following acute pancreatitis: Interim analysis of the GOULASH PLUS trial

Lóska, Dóra
Inhibition of synaptic monoamine uptake by tolperisone

Ludányi, Kristóf Péter
Subjective and quantitative assessment and follow-up of olfactory performance in patients with PostCOVID olfactory complaints

Lyakhova, Victoria
The Lateral Septum And Its Multifaceted Role In Anxiety

Maácz, Fruzsina
Effects of Sumatriptan on P2X7 Purinergic Receptor-mediated Signaling in an Amphetamine-induced Acute Mania Mouse Model

Major, Dávid
Changes in Body Composition Preceding the Diagnosis of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Makkos, András
Modelling of a precision oncology program on a breast cancer cell line panel in vitro

Makolli, Amir
The Effect of Different Gravity Levels on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Malik, Alaa
Characterization of opioid agonist morphine derivatives with emphasis on medicinal chemistry

Manikion, Kenigen
Synergistic properties of polysuccinimide/poly(lactic acid) co-electrospun and blended-electrospun nanofibres

Maricza, Katalin
Molecular genetic study of ZDHHC19 gene in sepsis

Marton, Szandra
Prescribing Habits of Tolperisone in Hungary: the Effect of Indication Restriction and Direct Healthcare Professional Communication Letters

Masszi, Richard
Evaluating the Predictive Value of Late Gadolinium Enhancement assessed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance on Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients selected for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: a Systematic review and Meta-analysis

Máté-Horváth, Nóra
Psychological factors in predicting perioperative pain sensation

Mayak, Margarita
Lewis Lung Carcinoma Metastasis Features in Animals with Different Hypoxia Tolerance

Melnikova, Ekaterina
Pro-activating Effects of Exposure to Different AlCl3 Concentrations on Microglial Cells in Vitro

Melnikova, Ekaterina
Sex Differences in Immune Reactions and Molecular Changes in Myocardium of BALB/c Mice in Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis

Mendes Wefelnberg, Michael
Exercise as Potent Modulator of Tumor Perfusion and the Vascular Tumor Micro-environment - Preliminary Findings From a Young Choroid Melanoma Case in The EyeCanMoveiT Project.

Merkel-Pólos, Eperke
Upgrading right ventricular pacing to cardiac resynchronization in HFrEF patients improves symptoms and functional outcomes. Results from the BUDAPEST-CRT Upgrade trial

Mester, Balázs
Perpetual Hypertrabecularisation - The Importance of Family Screening in Left Ventricular Noncompaction

Meszaros, Agota
Tax policy towards The Planetary Health Diet: a model concept

Mészáros, Balázs
Meta-Analysis on Predictive Markers and Preventive Measures for Preeclampsia: A Comprehensive Review

Mezei, Tamás
Histopathological prediction of pediatric posterior fossa tumors based on geometry analysis

Miklós, Gabriella
Predicting Sensory Outcomes with Machine Learning in Deep Brain Stimulation

Mikolicz, Ákos
Dental Intraoral Scanners and Human Identification

Misák, Ádám
AT1R Ligand Binding Simulation With Well-Tempered Metadynamics

Mohácsi, Fanni
Reclassification From Severe To Moderate Aortic Stenosis Using Hybrid-AVA Technique In TAVR Patients

MOHAMED, Mohamed Abdelaziz Emam
Effects of Eccentric Overload Resistance Training on Muscle Quality, Balance and Cost of Walking in Older Individuals

Moldvai, Dorottya
Transition from 2D to 3D Cell Culturing in Breast Cancer Research

Molnár, Hajnalka
Beta desynchronization and facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia

Molnár, Krisztina
Functional Analysis of De Novo Variants in the POU Neuronal Gene Family

Mózner, Orsolya
Examination of potential regulatory regions of the ABCG2 multidrug transporter

Müller, Dalma
Development of a Web Application for Analysis of DNA Methylation in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Coupled with Clinical Data

Murmu, Ankita
Intercellular Communication and CD8+ T-cell Trajectory Analysis in Ovarian Cancer Tissues

Musa, Safaa Mohammed Omer
Development and Formulation of Nanofiber-based Ophthalmic Inserts for the Treatment of Fungal Keratitis

Muzslay, Eszter
Assessment of carbohydrate imbalances and sleep-disordered breathing in children with overweight or obesity

Nádor, Csaba Péter
Composite outcome trends of very low birth weight infants between 2014 and 2021 in Hungary: a population-based study

Nádorvári, Maja Lilla
Microsatellite instability (MSI) and mismatch-repair deficiency (dMMR) testing as positive predictive factors for immune-checkpoint inhibitor therapy

Nagy, Bence
Changes in the MiRNA Cargo of EV-Mediated Fetal-Maternal Communication Following Light Treatment

Nagy, Bettina
Factors predicting mortality during the early phase of targeted temperature management in the treatment of post-cardiac arrest syndrome – the RAPID score

Nagy, Dávid
Sacubitril/Valsartan Has Superior Antiremodeling Effect Compared to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Myocardial Samples of Advanced Heart Failure Patients Undergoing Heart Transplantation

Nagy, Mátka
Neutrophil-derived extracellular vesicles regulate the viability of monocytes and modulate the inflammatory response of monocytes and macrophages

Nagy, Regina Norma
Molecular Mechanism of the Cardioprotective Effect of a Novel ProtectomiR, miR-450a

Nagy, Tamás
Pharmacological Profiling of Depression-Related Comorbidity Clusters in the UK Biobank: Insights from Temporal and Drug Prescription Data

Napravszky, Noémi
Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Biopsychosocial Background of Early Regulatory Difficulties in Children with Down Syndrome

Nazli, Adila
Isolation and Characterization of Malonyl-Caffeoylquinic Acids and Malonyl-Flavonoid Glucosides from Three Closely Related Edible Apiaceae Plants

Nikl, Anna
Population Norms for the EQ-5D-5L, PROPr and SF-6D in Hungary

Nochta-Kazsoki, Adrienn Katalin
Development and characterization of a Nanofibrous Ophthalmic Insert for the Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration

Obeidat, Mahmoud
Pre-endoscopic Assessment and Management in Patients with Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: An International Survey of 533 Clinicians

Obeidat, Mahmoud
Early nutrition is safe and does not increase complications after upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Oláh, Gyöngyi
The Transient Tale of Cognitive Abilities: Longitudinal Analysis of Pubertal Maturity's Impact on Adolescent Cognitive Development

Ónodi, Zsófia
A cell-based screening platform for testing inflammasome inhibitors

Oravecz, Orsolya
Regulation of Placental Protein Expression in Healthy and Diseased Pregnancies

Orbán, Gábor
Identification of parameters determining recurrence after atrial fibrillation ablation: Analysis of our three-year follow-up registry

Őri, Dorottya
Hungarian Cultural Adaptation of the Honest Open Proud (HOP) Program: A Strategic Disclosure Initiative to Decrease Stigma

Orosz, Áron
A novel pathway: the corticopetal basal forebrain somatostatin neurons

Orosz, Gabriella
Severity Ranking of Stearyl-CoA Sesaturase-1 Missense Mutations by In Silico and In Vitro Methods

osman, samira
Collaborative Approaches to Health Education: Perspectives of Parents and Teachers on Self-Care and Minor Ailments Teaching in UK Primary Schools

Paál, Ágnes
Effects of Blunting Annexin A1 Expression in Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Pál, Domonkos
Analysis of Chondroitin Sulfate and Heparan Sulfate Glycosaminoglycans in Human Tissues with Different Type of Lung Cancer

Pál, Dorottya
Pigmentation modulates ferroptosis sensitivity in melanoma

Pal, Vanda
2 Year Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Children Born to SARS-CoV-2 Infected Mothers vs. Uninfected Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pálla, Sára
Primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of a rare cutaneous disease

Pálos, Veronika
Inorganic Salt-Polysuccinimide Composite Scaffold for Potential Wound Dressing Application

Pálya, Dóra
Severity in function of the age at onset in hereditary podocytopathies

Pap, Domonkos
Integrative method to identify therapeutic targets in the treatment of kidney fibrosis

Pap, Domonkos
PARK7 as a new therapeutic target in pulmonary fibrosis

Papp, Zsuzsanna
Investigating the role of β2-integrins in in vitro and in vivo inflammatory reactions

Pásztor, Dorottya Tímea
Characteristics of patients referred to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Hungary-An updated report from the Hungarian ABPM Registry

Patakfalvi, Dimitrisz Iliász
The influence of insulin in an in-vitro cell culture model of neurodegeneration

Pejtsik, Diana
Molecular and cognitive underpinnings of comorbid anxiety and depression

Pergel, Enikő
Investigation of the interaction between the ubiquitin ligase adapter protein Ndfip1 and the TRESK channel

Péterffy, Borbála
Identifing novel biomarkers in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia through comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic profiling

Péterfi, Orsolya
Real-time Particle Size Measurement During the Pellet Layering Process Using Artificial Intelligence-aided Endoscopic Imaging

Pokorni, Ágoston Jakab
Comparison of anterior column reconstruction techniques after en bloc spondylectomy: a finite element study

Pollák, Patrik
Studies on the Total Syntheses of β‑carboline Alkaloids Orthoscuticellines A and B

Porres, Laura
Organoids in Research Against Glioblastoma

Pósfai, Balázs
The role of microglia and inflammation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Posta, Máté
Links between the evolution of the zinc finger 554 (ZNF554) gene in anthropoid primates, deep placentation, and its impairment in preeclampsia

Pothorszki, Dóra
Sleep-wake Architecture and qEEG of Tolperisone and Pregabalin: Acute and Long-term Effects

Pozonec, Maria Dorothea
Inter-tumoral Comparative Expression Analysis of Subtype-defining Proteins and Therapeutic Targets in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Požonec, Veronika
Investigation of Novel Therapeutic Targets in Small Cell Lung Cancer – Dual Inhibition of BCL-2 and MCL-1

Rácz, Melinda
Validation of portable, dry electrode-based electroencephalography device for application in brain–computer interface solutions

Rancz, Anett
Risk Factors for Microscopic Colitis: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Rangics, Anna
Complex therapy of odontogenic sinusitis

Rodríguez-Lemus, Beatriz
Understanding HAUSP and SUMO Interplay as a Therapeutical Approach for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Sági, Stella Márta
Identification of Cell Types Involved in the Uptake and Expression of Nucleoside-modified mRNA-LNP Complexes

Sándor, Alexandra
Development of a Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cerebellar Organoid Model

Sándor, Krisztina
Innovations in Stroke Rehabilitation: Advanced Technology-Based Programs for Re-Learning to Walk

Sándor, Luca
Genetic Deficiency of Syk in Platelets Promotes Solid Tumor Metastasis

Sárkány, Orsolya
Role of a RASGEF-mediated pathway in the metabolic compensation of the circadian clock

Sasvári, Péter
ARHGAP25: A New Player in T Cell Physiology

Schlingloff, Dániel
Anatomical, electrophysiological and functional characterization of lateral septal cholinergic neurons.

Schneider, Bence
Calculating sleep macrostructure indicators from spectral parameters of EEG

Schvarcz, Csaba
Potential Regulating Mechanisms behind Modulated Electro-hyperthermia and Antifolate Chemotherapy Synergism

Sebők-Welker, Tünde
The Association Between ADHD Risk and Prospective Changes in Adolescent Callous-Unemotional Traits Moderated by Serotonergic Polymorphisms

Serrano Antón, Belén
Automatic Coronary Artery Segmentation on Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography Images

Shailaja, Kanni Das
Microbiota-gut-brain axis: fUS Detection of Inflammatory Connectome Changes

Silina, Maria
Gene expression changes in colitis-associated colorectal cancer progression in animals with different hypoxia resistance

Simon, Balázs
Synthesis and characterisation of novel morphinan esters

Simon, Botond
Developing an Animal Model to Study Palatal Tissue Degradation Using Intraoral Scanners

Somodi, Csenge
The role of dietary interventions associated microbiome changes and immunotherapy outcomes

Somogyi, Fanni
Screening AAV delivery routes, capsids and promoters for cortex-wide functional and long-term stable access to brain function in large-brain species

Soós, Ádám
Transdifferentiation of human dental pulp-derived mesenchymal stem cells into neurosphere forming neurons and transplantation into aganglionic hindgut

Soós, Áron
BRCA1/2 Mutations in Prostate Cancer: Association with Clinicopathological Parameters and Patients’ Survival

Sóskuti, Emőke
Applicability of MDR1 Overexpressing Abcb1KO-MDCKII Cell Lines for Investigating In Vitro Species Differences and Brain Penetration Prediction

Șulea, Cristina M.
Atomic force microscopy investigation of human fibrillin microfibril morphology and mechanics in Marfan syndrome

Surguta, Sára
Differential effects of hypoxia on the motility of lung adenocarcinoma cell lines

Suszták, Nóra
The Role of Trimodal Prehabilitation in Preparing for Colorectal Surgery: a Single-center, Randomized, Prospective Clinical Study

Svajda, Laura
Targeting hypoxia in combination with paclitaxel to enhance therapeutic efficacy in triple-negative breast cancer

Szabó, Dominik
Factor Structure and Validity of the Hungarian Version of the Three-Domain Disgust Scale in a Community Sample

Szabó, Georgina
Dietary Adherence Mediates the Effect of Affective Temperaments on Assisted Reproduction Treatment Success

Szabó, Johanna Petra
Intracortical Mechanisms of After-discharges Elicited by Intracranial 50 Hz Stimulation of Epileptic Patients

Szabó, Liliána
Evaluating Cardiovascular Health and Risk Factors in Cancer Survivors: A Study from a Large East London Cohort

Szakács, Hanna
Beyond Adolescence: Longitudinal Patterns of Hierarchical Brain Organization

Szakál, Imre
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist therapy in patients with ischemic heart failure and ventricular tachycardia: a comparative analysis of spironolactone vs. eplerenone

Száraz, Lili
Optimization of ultrahigh-resolution coronary CT angiographic images’ reconstructions using ex vivo model

Szász, Csenge
Improvement of Transient Agarose Spot (TAS) Cell Migration Assay: Introduction of Microplate-reader Based Detection and Evaluation

Szász, Zsófia
ONC-201 and its Fluorinated Analogues: Characterization of Apoptotic Protein Expression of Gemcitabine-Resistant Pancreatic Cancer Cells

Szathmári, Csenge
Associative Immune Memory Formation in Caenorhabditis elegans Under Pathogenic Stress

Szegvári, Gábor
Boolean Control Network Model of Macrophage Polarization for the Identification of Molecular Targets

Szeitz, Beáta
Proteomic Study of Paired Primary Tumors and Brain Metastases from Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients Uncovers Distinct Phenotypes Linked to Survival

Székely, Flóra
Exploring rare disease comorbidities: a feasibility study

Széles, Aliz
Enabling toxicokinetic characterisation of 2,3-epoxypropyl isopropyl ether in the rat by substantial sensitivity improvement of the MS/MS detection

Szentpéteri, Szófia
The role of Interleukin 1, Toll-like receptor 4 genes certain single nucleotide polymorphisms and detected bacteria in the prognosis of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw

Szepesi, Gabriella
Assessment Of Acute Cellular Rejection and Quilty Lesions In Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin Embedded Human Cardiac Allograft Biopsies with Proteomic Analysis Using Nanostring GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler

Sziklai, Dominik
Automatic Detection and Sorting of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Force-Distance Curves

Szőcs, Emőke
Characterization and modification of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans to enhance transplantation efficiency of enteric neural stem cells in an experimental Hirschsprung's disease model

Szőke, Péter
EZH2 is a prognostic biomarker and potential novel therapeutic target in anaplastic (grade 3) meningioma

Szolláth, Rita
Comparison of Evaluation Methods for Measuring Amorphous and Kinetic Solubility

Takács, Angéla
Antiproliferative activities of cinchona alkaloid derivatives in EBC-1 cell line

Tamás, Gergely
Characterisation of myocardial immune checkpoint expression in advanced heart failure

Tar, Alexandra
Creation of eIF4G-selective Aptamer Containing Circular RNAs

Tarchi, Livio
Lag-structure in fMRI across three psychiatric groups: resting-state, state-dependency and clinical-behavioral correlates

Tari, Edina
Early resuscitation with vasopressor and fluid versus fluid resuscitation alone in hemodynamically unstable patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding – study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial

Téglás, Vivien
Assessment of Small Cell Lung Cancer Tumor Heterogeneity Across Metastatic Sites by Multiomic Approaches

Tibori, Kinga
Functional analysis of common SCD1 gene variants

Tokodi, Márton
Machine Learning-Based Mortality Prediction in Patients Undergoing CRT Implantation Using the SEMMELWEIS-CRT Score: Validation in the European CRT Survey I Dataset

Tolosa, Rocío Miranda
Cellular Senescence as the Basis for HCMV-related Pathogenesis

Tolvaj, Máté
Old But Not Gold: Disagreement Between Conventional Parameters and 3D Echocardiography-Derived Ejection Fraction in the Evaluation of Right Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction

Topa, Kristóf
Non-verbal Cues in Depression: A Multimethod Approach Research Proposal

Tordai, Csongor
Biological consequences of a de novo ZMYND11 mutation in a schizophrenic patient – a human induced pluripotent stem cell-based study

Torok, Dora
The Role of NAD+/SIRT1 Pathway in Human Depression

Tóth, Ádám
Molecular Characterization of Pathological TRPM2 Cation Channel Variants

Tóth, Dániel
Delving Deep: Enhanced Insights from Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Complexed SULT1A1 Dimers

Tóth, Nóra Melinda
Lung Transplantation for IPF Patients in the EMPIRE Countries

Trinh, Sarolta
Virtual reality as a tool for distraction in the perioperative period for anxiolysis in adolescents with pectus deformity: a randomized control trial

Turbucz, Máté
The Biomechanical Effect of Lumbopelvic Distance Reduction on Reconstruction After Total Sacrectomy: A Comparative Finite Element Analysis of Four Techniques

Üveges, Elina
Copper Related Protein Expression in KRAS Mutant Cell Lines

Vagabov, Merab
Immune system organs and intestinal tumors morphological features in tolerant and susceptible to hypoxia mice after azoxymethane administration and dextran sulfate sodium consumption

Vágó, Hajnalka
Plenary Lecture 3

Vágó-Szincsák, Sára
Predicting Immunotherapy Efficacy with Machine Learning in Gastrointestinal Cancers: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Vajda, Flóra
Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Cancer Cell Survivor and Drug Resistance

Vámosi-Galajda, Noémi Ágnes
Investigation of the Effects of Tumour Necrosis Factor Inhibitors on the Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases

Váncza, Lóránd
Role of SPOCK1 Proteoglycan in Regenerating Human and Rat Livers

Váradi, Barnabás
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of mouse models of heart failure induced by chronic angiotensin-II infusion or transverse aortic constriction

Váradi, Melinda
Predicting Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Efficacy in Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma: Integrated Analysis of Molecular Patterns and Clinical Factors

Varga, Bence Tamás
Working Toward the Development of a Feasible Neurovascular Uncoupling Model in Rats

Varga, Kamilla
Resveratrol Restores Insulin Signaling in in vitro Streptozotocin Induced Neurodegenerative Model

Varga, Luca
Molecular Heterogeneity of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma: A Multi-Centre Real-World Study

Varga, Noémi Éva
Factors determining the duration of forced medical treatment

Varga, Tamás
Különböző lizofoszfatidsav speciesek vazoaktív hatásainak vizsgálata humán kis vérköri artériákon

Varga, Viktória
Characteristic metabolic differences of tumour patients influence the subpopulation distribution of T cell

Várhegyi, Vera
GDF-15 and mtDNA deletions show potential as effective biomarkers for detecting mitochondrial dysfunction in cases of insulin resistance and PCOS

Várnagy, Erzsébet
Elucidating the Enantioseparation Mechanism of Laudanosine Derivatives: CE, HPLC and NMR Spectroscopic Study

Vass, Krisztina Rubina
Recombinant Production and Characterization of Human Alpha-keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complex Subunits and Their Disease-relevant Variants

Vázquez-Abuín, Xocas
High FABP4 Plasma Levels, Associated With Low-voltage Area, Increases the Epicardial Fibrosis and Its Glucose Metabolism

Vékony, Bálint
Artificial Intelligence Based Differentiation of Uni- and Bilateral Primary Aldosteronism by Circulating microRNA Combinations

Veres-Székely, Apor
Optimization of Sirius Red-Based Microplate Assay to Investigate Collagen Production In Vitro

Vergnaud, Amandine
Cardiac Morphological Alterations Associated With Hyper-O-GlcNAcylation Induced By Gestational Diabetes Are Independent Of Gender

Veszelyi, Krisztina Nóra
Endoplasmic Reticulum Redox Homeostasis - the Potential Absence of the Thioredoxin / Thioredoxin Reductase System in the Lumen

Vilimi, Zsófia
Clotrimazole-containing vaginal dosage forms: Challenges and innovations in drug release measurements

Vojnits, Blanka
Cognitive Control and Attention Selection During an Auditory Target Detection Task

Weber, Bennet Y.
Drug-induced Hidden Cardiotoxicity involves Cardiac Proteomic Changes: a Rofecoxib Case Study

Wieser, Janine
Alcohol Consumption, Smoking and Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Yuksek Tekben, Esra Hilal
A Systematic Interrogation of Splicing Events for Personalised Medicine (Molecular Subtyping) and Biomarker Candidates in Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC)

Zámodics, Márk
Correlation Analysis of Sports Adaptation Processes in Elite Water Polo Players. Development of the Semmelweis Athlete's Heart Calculator

Závoti, Olivér
Rare, cystic fibrosis causing mutations of the CFTR chloride channel

Zichó, Krisztián
Revealing a Novel Pontine Reward Center in Mammals

Zrufkó, Réka
The role of PARK7 in ischemia-reperfusion induced acute renal failure

Zsarnóczay, Emese
Feasibility of Coronary CT Angiography-based Fractional Flow Reserve Using a Clinical Photon Counting Detector CT System

Zsáry, Eszter
The mysterious twists of the umbilical cord

Zsombor, Zita
The Calculation and Evaluation of an Ultrasound-Estimated Fat Fraction in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease